Summer may be coming to an end soon, but that doesn’t mean Salt Lake City employees are giving up on their favorite summer coffee beverage—cold brew coffee. In fact, the National Coffee Association found that the number of daily coffee drinkers who prefer cold brew coffee over other coffee beverages has increased by 6 percent since 2015. With the number of daylight hours slowly shrinking, that morning or afternoon caffeine pick-me-up is more crucial than ever.
Smooth & Velvety Experience
Cold brew coffee offers a smoother and less acidic taste than traditionally brewed coffee. While each brewer has their own way of creating cold brew coffee, cold brew is, in general, made with ground coffee beans that have been steeped in room-temperature or cold water for at least 12 hours. As with any type of coffee, the type and quality of the coffee bean and the roasting process impacts the taste of cold brew coffee.
Nitro cold brew coffee takes traditional cold brew one step further by adding nitrogen to create a creamy and smooth beverage. Nitrogen has smaller bubbles than carbon dioxide, which is used in most carbonated beverages and creates a different texture or “thicker mouthfeel” to the beverage. The nitrogen also impacts how quickly the caffeine is absorbed. Some Salt Lake City cold brew drinkers may experience a faster energy boost from the caffeine.
Cafe-Style Coffee Service
Since drinking coffee away from home is more common than consuming it at home, it is important to offer employees a reason to get their cold brew coffee at the office instead of running out to a coffee shop. The easiest way to do that is to create a coffee house feel in your Salt Lake City office break room and offer cold brew coffee in addition to hot coffee and tea. Not only will it make it easier for your employees to get an energy boost or grab a ready-to-drink cold brew coffee, but it will also create a place to relax and recharge with colleagues.
Whether adding cold brew coffee service to your existing break room or creating a new office break room space, PGi Services can help. We offer on-tap cold brew coffee nitro-injected cold brew coffee as well as traditional coffee service. Contact us at 800.580.7266 to learn more.